integrative psychodynamic psychotherapist

(Gender, sexuality, relationship diversity) 


I have an extensive and diverse background
training in the medical (NHS-11.5 years), therapeutic and spiritual field and see clients on a long and short term basis.

I hold a PGCert (with distinction) in Psychodiagnosis and Psychological Assessments, Level 7 in Child Psychology, BSc 1st class Hons in Psychology & Counselling, BScHeCert Counselling Psychology, BAHeCert Theology & Counselling, MA Ancient Biblical Studies with Hebrew and Greek (completing), BSc Biochemistry, BSc Complementary Alternative Medicine and working toward my Doctorate in Counselling Psychology and Integrative Psychotherapy.

I hold specialist training in GSRD, Bereavement & Grief (Accredited Infant and Baby Loss Practitioner), Attachment, Trauma (Race, Equality and Ethnic minorities), Neurodiversity (Assessor), Spiritual abuse including Conversion Therapy recovery just to name a few. I hold unconditional positive regard for my clients, meaning that I accept and value you, whoever you are and whatever you share with me without judgement.

I'm an accredited registrant with the Infant and Baby Loss Foundation, Professional Accredited Registrant with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (PNCPS Acc.), Graduate Basis Chartership (GMBPsS) with the British Psychological Society (BPS), Full member with The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and Full member European Professional Association for Transgender Health and abide by their ethical codes and guidelines.

I am research active and have produced award winning research at Roehampton University. I further trained in Harley Street in Gender Specialism. I work with various colleagues and clinics in the field collaboratively providing gender affirming care within my practice in Transition Focused Therapy (TfT). TfT is a programme I created and trialled successfully (copyrighted) within clinic; for patients exploring and preparing for Gender Affirming Medical Treatment, including but not limited to their Gender Dysphoria Assessments. I receive self-referrals as well as referrals from across the country. I am here to travel with you through the Journey of becoming authentically YOU.


Psychodynamic therapy focuses on helping you the client become more self-aware in understanding the unconscious processes of your past that influence your present patterns of behaviour.

Key Principles:

  • Unconscious motives.

  • Experience shapes personality.

  • Past experiences affect the present.


Integrative Therapy is an individualised, combined approach to therapy that brings together different elements of specific therapeutic models or schools that is best suited to you the client.

People tend to seek therapy when they’ve hit ‘‘rock bottom’’ or need help to work things through-process trauma, grieve, anxiety, depression or any other difficulty. These days people are taking a proactive stance and going to therapy to make their mental health their priority. Whatever it is, I commend you.

What does it mean to be on an accredited register?

  • My registration has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.
  • The Accredited Register programme was set up by the Government to improve standards and safety for the benefit of the public.    
  • Accreditation demonstrates my commitment to high professional standards, for enhancing safety and delivery of a better service.

''The principle aim of psychotherapy is not to transport you to an impossible state of happiness, but to help you acquire steadfastness and patience in the face of suffering''. --Carl Jung